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Lamborghini Museum

For anyone visiting the Lam-borghini factory in the Reggio d,Emilia area a visit to the Centro Studi e Ri-cerche Ferruccio Lambor-ghini is well worthwhile. Situated in Dosso about 25 KMS from the factory the museum is a display of Fer-ruccio,s life and achieve-ments. The museum was opened in 1995 and is lo-cated in front of the Calor factory where burners and boilershave been manufac-tured since 1960.
I was taken on a guided tour by Fabio Lamborghini who was a most enthusiastic gentleman in the true sense of the word. Having a member of the family as a guide was extra special. Fabio had many stories of the "old days" at the factory. He particularly remembered the Muira and Urraco(3000) engines being revved on their test benches. The tour began with the first tractor built in 1947.


Then it was onto the cars which include:

Lamborghini 400 GT ,
Lamborghini Muira SV  (Ferruccio's car) ,
Lamborghini Espada ,
Lamborghini Islero ,
, Lamborghini Urraco P250 ,
            Lamborghini Urraco P300 ,
            Lamborghini Jarama S ,
Lamborghini Countach 5000 QV.
This display is supplemented by a Lamborghini F1 engine as well as several complete engines. On the perimeter walls are hundreds of photographs which chronicle Ferruccio,s life. Hung in the centre of the museum is one of the prototype Lamborghini helicopters.Fabio told me they found this particular example in Rome. Unfortunately this venture was only stopped as a result of a change in regulations. Throughout the museum were displays of books,brochures,models and associated memorabilia. Being very interested in the history of Lamborghini I found the museum riveting and could have spent a lot more time there.I enjoyed it more than the factory and it was the highlight of my holiday. Special thanks to Fabio Lamborghini!

Written by:    Paul Magagnino, (Lamborghini Club Australien).

The Tonino Museum of Ferruccio Lamobrghini is located in Dosso-Ferrara about 15 minutes from the factory. The person to contact is Valentina Carrar. Her cell # is 0039-348-355-7502

M11gt work group ,2001